Welcome to pipelime’s docs!


Welcome to Pipelime, a swiss army knife for data processing!

Pipelime is a full-fledge framework for data science: read your datasets, manipulate them, write back to disk or upload to a remote data lake. Then build up your dataflow with Piper and manage the configuration with Choixe. Finally, embed your custom commands into the Pipelime workspace, to act both as dataflow nodes and advanced command line interface.

Maybe too much for you? No worries, Pipelime is modular and you can just take out what you need:

  • data processing scripts: use the powerful SamplesSequence and create your own data processing pipelines, with a simple and intuitive API. Parallelization works out-of-the-box and, moreover, you can easily serialize your pipelines to yaml/json. Integrations with popular frameworks, e.g., pytorch, are also provided.

  • easy dataflow: Piper can manage and execute directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), giving back feedback on the progress through sockets or custom callbacks.

  • configuration management: Choixe is a simple and intuitive mini scripting language designed to ease the creation of configuration files with the help of variables, symbol importing, for loops, switch statements, parameter sweeps and more.

  • command line interface: Pipelime can remove all the boilerplate code needed to create a beautiful CLI for you scripts and packages. You focus on what matters and we provide input parsing, advanced interfaces for complex arguments, automatic help generation, configuration management. Also, any pipelime command can be used as a node in a dataflow for free!

  • pydantic tools: most of the classes in Pipelime derive from pydantic.BaseModel, so we have built some useful tools to, e.g., inspect their structure, auto-generate human-friendly documentation and more (including a TUI to help you writing input data to deserialize any pydantic model).

And… remember: If life gives you lemons, use Pipelime!

What’s in the docs?